Thursday, November 6, 2014

TBT - Freshman Halloween

I realize Halloween was last week and that I SHOULD have posted this last Thursday as my "throwback Thursday picture". But alas, I was in Palm Springs by a pool and couldn't be bothered, so you're getting it now.

I was recently on one of my all time favorite procrastination-aiding sites - #whatshouldwecallme and could not help but burst out laughing when I saw this:


This is the most accurate depiction of my Halloween life I could ever imagine. It immediately brought me back to freshman year of college. New friends, no parents, no curfew - aka the perfect opportunity to sex up my Halloween costume and strut my stuff at a USC frat party.

This was right around the time when websites offering every costume you could imagine in a "sexy version" started popping up. My suitemates and I started perusing the sites and decided that we'd all go as sexy Alice in Wonderland characters. My roommate was going to be the Queen of Hearts, my suitemate would be the Mad Hatter, and I was going to be the Caterpillar - because why would I be Alice when I could be the Caterpillar? Perfect.

Freshman year I worked in the computer lab in the campus library. I spent my hours there watching all of the DVD's they had on file (Gone With the Wind, at least 15 times). Despite my really hard work, the job did not pay well so my cash flow was not at a level 10. It was not even at a level 5. When it came time to purchase our costumes, I was running low on funds.

"That's ok! I'm crafty", I told myself. "I can totally make a sexy caterpillar costume. Not even a problem."

I should also preface this story with the fact that I love the color green (there is a color called Kelly fact is a given) and for some reason at that juncture in my life, I felt that my love of green must be reflected to the public in every way possible. Décor, clothing attire, nail polish, you name it, it was green. So naturally, I had green sheets.

In my infinite crafty wisdom, I grabbed the top sheet off my bed and made the bottom of my costume by making fat rolls in the sheet and stuffing them with newspaper. For the top, I continued with the fat roll theme by donning my favorite green puffy vest. The "sexy" part came in when I wore a green and white polk-a-dot tank top under the puffy vest and unzipped the vest to just below my boobs, hoping some cleavage could be seen. Unfortunately, the puffy vest was puffy enough that unzipping it didn't exactly leave a very wide window for boob viewing opportunities, but whatever - I was SEXY. Right.

To top off the costume, I purchased 2 of those small birthday balloons on sticks from Vons. I sharpied those both neon green, put my hair in Princess Leia buns and stuck one balloon in each for my antennas. A little green eye shadow and VOILA. Sexy Caterpillar.

Unfortunately, the only proof of my sexiness that night is this image, and it doesn't show the full green Caterpillar goddess that I was.

I only hope you can use your imagination to picture two young college girls frolicking down the street in their short, sexified costumes and one girl slowly slugging behind them trying to pick up her bed sheet skirt enough to not trip and inevitably lose an antenna.