Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Kitchen Disaster

The perfect storm of elements contributed to my kitchen disaster:

I went to my normal work out class Monday night and then immediately headed to my parents house to pick a few things up. By the time I got home it was 8:30 pm and my stomach was making sounds that resembled what I can only imagine a porpoise being eaten by a shark underwater would sound like.

I didn't want to depress you and put an actual picture of a
porpoise being eaten here's a happy porpoise

Food Waste Panic:
On my drive home, I was contemplating what I could make based on what I had in the refrigerator and I slowly started to panic. No, not because my fridge was empty, but because it was NOT empty.

Let me back up for a second here. Growing up, my brother and I would frequently hear my mom say "Sale on eggs! Sale on cantaloupe!" and then a pound of that food item would appear in front of us to be consumed. It was her way of telling us that something in the fridge was going to go bad soon so we better eat up so as not to waste any food.

Now in my adult life, I have a very real fear of food going bad. As a result, my refrigerator is in a constant flux between absolutely empty, or filled with way too much prepared food in my attempt to use ALL the ingredients in the fridge at once. Cooking multiple meals at once is not recommended if you're trying to lead a low stress lifestyle.

I decided on making a new recipe I had been wanting to try - cauliflower crust pizza. I usually make my own roasted tomato sauce and was out, so would need to make that as well to top my pizza. Finally, I'd make meat loaf - because I had the ingredients and they might go bad!  

I have about a 25% win rate on recipes I get from Pinterest. I'm pretty used to the food I make not looking like the food Imaginary-Martha-Stuart-Pinterest-Person made. I like to turn this flaw into a positive - my many recipe fails have made me great at improvisation and creativity in the kitchen. In this particular case, my "dough" for the pizza was much closer to "soup" if we're basing it on consistency. So, I stuck it in the freezer, because that makes sense right? Consistency is soupy, a little freezer time will firm it right up!

This is not my personal Pinterest fail,
but in honor of the season, I think it's a pretty epic one.

At this point, I'd had nothing to eat since noon, worked out, and was drinking wine while preparing dinner(s). To say I was "feeling it" would be accurate. Very accurate.

At 9:30pm I was making good progress. I had the tomatoes in the oven roasting, cauliflower dough in the freezer and was about to mix up the meat loaf. Only at this point do the cooking times for each of these items start to dawn on me. Tomato sauce: 1 hour. Cauliflower pizza: 30 minutes. Meat Loaf: 1 hour. At this rate I'd be eating at 11 and going to bed after midnight! (Before you get smart with me - no I could not bake them all at the same time. The tomatoes roast at 350, the pizza cooks at 425 and the meatloaf wasn't ready yet!)

Before roasting....
After roasting...

Whatever, I decided to power on (and pour another glass of wine). I started to put all my meatloaf ingredients together, but when I went to grab the BBQ sauce for my hickory smoked meatloaf, I realized I had 1/4C of the 3/4 C I needed. It was a sign from the food gods - the meatloaf would need to be loafed another day.

Undeterred, I moved onto the pizza. The tomatoes were done so I opened the freezer to retrieve the dough. And what to my wondering eyes should appear?! Soup dough everywhere - the bowl had tipped over. Nothing had "firmed up" so there was egg/cauliflower/cheese crap all over. WHERE'S THE WINE.


  I did manage to use what was left in the bowl and the pizza actually turned out somewhat ok. I have no idea if it tasted like what it was supposed to taste like because I have no idea what ratio of the ingredients remained after the great spill. Luckily, the wine made everything taste juuuuust fine.

Dough...sans a lot of the "soup"

Cooked, but with no toppings yet
Finished product

Anyone else have a kitchen disaster they'd like to share?