Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I got your attention - didn't I?

Once a year, something magical happens in the city of Seattle. Something so utterly phenomenal that I am willing to wake up at 5AM, on a Sunday, drive downtown, park with the masses, and wear an ugly volunteer t-shirt. It's called the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb.

This day is quite possibly my very favorite day of all days. Those of you who know what I'm like on my birthday will understand the weight of this statement. There are a myriad of reasons why I make this bold statement.

On this most wonderous of days, firemen from all over the world converge on Seattle. Let me say that again - firemen, from all over the WORLD, in one building, on one day.

It gets better. These firemen are here to climb the Columbia Tower a.k.a. the tallest building in Seattle. Do you know what happens when you climb 75 flights of stairs...in full firefighter gear?! Actually, I have no idea what happens because that is not something I would be able to do naked, let alone with 45lb's of gear. So let me rephrase, do you know what happens when firemen climb 75 flights of stairs...in full firefighter gear?! They get really really hot and sweaty. Meaning the MOMENT they get to the top they start stripping. S.T.R.I.P.P.I.N.G.

It gets better. After the climb, all of the firefighters go out on the town! The pipes and drums band comes through all of the bars and plays loud Irish music - everyone is in a jolly mood - and the ratio of guys to girls is like 5 to 1.

IT. GETS. BETTER. The purpose of the climb is to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It's like God reached down and decided to make Kelly Day and he dubbed it the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb. Nothing could be closer to my heart than the LLS as my dad is a 12 year Leukemia survivor! Hot firemen raising money for the very research that saved one of the 2 most important men in my life gets me pretty pumped up.

Look at these precious peeps (my dad and brother):

To add even MORE fuel to the fire...my very own brother will be competing for the second time in the event as a firefighter for Richland County. Please allow me 2 minutes of your time to brag. Take a look at this screencapture from the Scott Firefighter Climb webpage:

See that?? THAT'S MY BROTHER! MINE. Winning.

Here he is at the top last year - my mom happened to be stationed right at the top of the stairs when he came up - he scared the poop out of her.


I'm not going to pull at your heart strings or try and guilt you into donating. I'm just going to say, if you have an extra $10 or $20 in your pocket, it would be pretty cool if you put it right here:


 Keep those Richland boys at the top!!

I'll let you know how Kelly Day 2013 goes...

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