Thursday, February 7, 2013


Two years ago, I was working for a media production company up in Everett. I hate Everett. I hate it for a lot of reasons - like the fact that it is 40 minutes from Seattle, does not have a Red Robin, and is 40 minutes from Seattle...

An hour and 20 minutes is a long time to spend in a car every day. It's a long time to listen to the same 10 songs on the radio everyday. I never understood that - if rush hour traffic is at the same time everyday, which means the same people are in their cars at the same time everyday, why does it make sense to play the same songs at the same time everyday. I do not need to hear any Rihanna song twice a day, 5 days a week. That is 10 Rihanna songs a week - assuming by the time Friday rolls around, I have poked my ear drums with a knitting needle to avoid having to listen to another Rihanna song over the weekend.

All that to say, I started listening to a LOT of NPR on my drives. Then I started listening to NPR in the background while I was at work. I became a woman obsessed. At one point, I sat in my driveway for an extra 15 minutes so I could hear the end of a really intense short story.

It got so bad that I actually started to run out of NPR to listen too...and then I was introduced to TED talks. My world started to revolve around these two acronymed knowledge pockets. NPR and TED, TED and NPR. Like two peas in my brainpod.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Some little tart had the nerve to take the antenna off of Lucy (my old chariot), bend it, and throw it into the the bed of the truck. These are my problems with this:

1. If you are going to do damage to something for no reason, do it right. Smash some windows, break off a side-mirror, scratch a four letter word onto the hood Carrie Underwood style. Don't be a pansy and just bend my antenna. If all the windows had been broken, I would have felt more motivation to have that ish fixed immediately.

2. I don't understand damaging something for no reason. If you feel like being an ass, why would you not get something out of it? I'm not saying Lucy was chalk full of blood diamonds and baby puppies ripe for the taking, but there were some prime CD's in there - Celine, Whitney, Buble... but, if you really just want to be an ass - see point 1.

3. They stole my gateway to KNOWLEDGE. My highway to BRAINPOWER. Enough said.

A lot has happened since that fateful day. I got a new job - in Redmond, cutting my commute time in half. I got a new car, with an antenna, effectively opening back up the doors to all things that are AM radio. You will notice these two things are counter productive, so these days I try and get my fill of awesomeness where I can!

On that note - I leave you with these gems:

Anyone have other suggestions for me??

On a completely unrelated topic. Please tell me, under what circumstances this would ever be appropriate:

1 comment:

  1. The answer to your last question is never. Unless you are imprisoned and trying to start a craft fair in your cell block. Other than that, never.
