Tuesday, February 19, 2013

While you were at work...

So was I.

But I haven't shared an IM convo with Cow recently and this just happened. It made me laugh uncontrollably. Cow has an extreme fear of spiders. In high school she worked at a coffee stand and one day I got a frantic phone call. She was standing outside of the stand, refusing to go back in until I came down and killed the spider that was inside...


Cow: Want to hear something depressing?
Me: No
Cow: I watched biggest loser last night and learned that a large popcorn with butter from the movie theater is 1200 calories. IT'S POPCORN.
Me: First of all. I said no.
Cow: Too bad
Me: Second of all. Why the fuck would you tell me that. That is the most depressing news I have heard all year.
Cow: You would never eat a large popcorn anyways. They are huge.

Cow: OMG YOU BITCH! jfewaioujceoiwjafioklgje4wae4jfklwjeal
Me: hahahahahahahaha payback is a BITCH.
Me: I literally could not contain my glee while I waited for you to see that.
Cow: I do not feel ok now
Me: Well now we are even.

The horrible part is, today is Cow's birthday. While you may think I am truly a mean person, I view it as an extreme love of popcorn.

Happy Tuesday people.

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